The goal of an emergency fund is to help you make it through any financial emergencies that come your way. Even though you cannot control the actual emergency, you will be able to call the shots on how you want to live with regard to the unplanned negative event.
Read MoreIf you have a mortgage, take the first step towards saving thousands of dollars by reviewing your biggest debt. Use these tips for the best ways to save money when you refinance your home loan and you’ll be scooping up those savings in no time.
Read MoreNo need for an entire home renovation to get your house from listed to sold. This five-item to-do list will ensure you’re ready to close the deal.
Read MoreApplying for a home loan doesn’t happen in a vacuum. There are moving parts to every person’s financial situation, and things like existing debt and available savings should be taken into consideration before jumping into the housing market with both feet.
Read MoreHealthy green plants add a refreshing organic touch to any room and help boost your home’s air quality. Whether you’re a houseplant newbie or have tried to keep houseplants happy with mixed results in the past and want to do better, this guide is a good place to begin.
Read MoreOut of all the factors that influence your credit scores, there’s at least one that you don’t have to put much effort into: credit history. But even though this may be the easiest credit score factor to maintain, you might be wondering how important it is.
Read MoreMost young Aussies dream about buying their own home one day.
And despite of abundance of quality information readily available today, unfortunately there seems to be as much misinformation which stop many newbies getting on the property ladder.
Read MoreCountless decisions go into designing a beautiful and functional kitchen — so many that it’s hard to know what to focus on. Give these areas adequate attention when planning a kitchen and you’re almost guaranteed to end up with a space that makes you happy.
Read MoreRelationships aren't easy, and managing two incomes can be just as hard.
In order to meet your goals — both collective money goals and individual goals — you'll have to start making sure that you and your partner are on the same page about your spending, saving, and plans.
Read MoreThe eligibility requirements vary slightly in each state and territory. There are some state-specific criteria but generally applicants must meet the following to qualify:
Read MoreCouples often discover that they’re financial opposite as they start developing their relationship. You're either born to save or you're born to spend, and financial opposites attract. This can lead to enormous power struggles and trust issues and regular fights over expenditure when households run from a pooled fund.
Read MoreIf you own a property with a small yard, with a few strategic changes you can create an outdoor retreat you won’t be able to get enough off! Use these tricks to expand views, hide storage and maximize useable surfaces, so that you’ll get the most out of every centimetre of your yard.
Read MoreIn order to avoid paying lender mortgage insurance premium (LMI), saving up a full 20% down payment can be a huge sum. For big, long-term goals like this, investing might seem like an ideal way to make money grow quickly.
Read MoreAs with any assets, real estate has its good, bad and average performing assets and if you’re not careful, you could easily end up with a property lemon.
Read MoreProperty investment should be a medium- to longer-term proposition. It’s about growing your portfolio through the cycles rather than looking to make a quick killing by getting in at the ground level and then selling at the top.
Read MoreCreating wealth through property is not a spectator sport, you need to be involved. Not in every detail, and not particularly often, but there are some decisions that need your attention, and it’s at these points that you can make a successful property investor
Read MoreWhile owning comes with many more responsibilities than renting, it also comes with a unique set of benefits that renters can't get.
Read MoreBuyers tend to focus on what price range they want to pay, what area they want to buy in, inner city or the burbs and freestanding house or a strata unit is the way to go. Very few buyers however consider, if it’s the right season for them to be buying.
Read MoreA property owner typically refinances their home loan at least once during the life of their loan. On the other hand, a smart mortgage holder typically refinances to another lender at least once during this period as they know, a new lender will always give a better rate to win business.
Read MoreTo entice borrowers seeking to buy or refinance, banks have been reducing their advertised home loan rates – for starters don’t be fooled as the lowest rates tend be associated with products with limited features or designed to trap you with that lender (fixed rate loans).
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