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4 investment property tips from real estate investors

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a crystal ball and could look into the future before deciding on your investment property purchase?

While you may not be able to find a reliable crystal ball, you can learn and profit from the secrets of property investors who have come before you.

Get a pre-purchase inspection

A pre-purchase inspection can be almost as good as a crystal ball: an inspection report can reveal problems that may arise in the future.

A building inspection can cost as little as $600, but can be used as a bargaining chip that can reduce the cost of an investment by thousands of dollars.

In the worst-case scenario, the inspection will warn you not to buy a property at any price.

Study the market

A market’s previous performance can often be an indicator of its future performance. Has it peaked in price or are prices still rising?

Has it always performed well, with prices steadily rising? Stay abreast of the market and you can stay ahead of the market.

Research auctions

Asking rates for properties can be deceptive, but auction results can give you a clear indication of what properties are worth in any given area.

High clearance rates are an indication that a suburb is in demand. The prices properties fetch at auction can give you a better idea of the real value of property in a given area than the signs outside real estate agents’ windows.

Diamonds in the rough

Those who flip houses for a living look for those diamonds in the rough: houses that don’t look like much, but can sparkle like jewels with just a few cosmetic improvements.

It’s not unusual for a $40,000 investment in cosmetic renovations to lead to a $100,000 increase in a home’s value. Even a first-time investor can make a tidy profit if they know what to do with a fixer-upper.

Property investment can be a game of skill or a game of chance. Invest skilfully and you’re much more likely to win the game. Take a chance and your odds aren’t very good. With so many resources at your disposal, why take a chance by not researching before buying.

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This article does not constitute advice; readers should seek independent and personalised counsel from a trusted adviser that specialises in property, a tax accountant and property design specialist.