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  1. Mortgage qualifier test

    A hand holding a mobile phone

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  2. Review suggestions

    Paper aeroplane

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  3. Borrower verification

    Document with three check-marks

    Tell us bit more about yourself and provide documents

  4. Let's chat

    Video chat software

    Video interview to discuss your options

  5. Get Approved


    Your lender of choice approves and settles your loan

  6. Better mortgage for life

    Cloud technology

    Our technology reviews your loan rates regularly

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* The comparison rate is based on a $150,000 loan over 25 years. Warning: this comparison rate is true only for this example and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Lending criteria, fees and conditions apply. Rates, fees and conditions are indicative, available for new loans only and subject to change without notice.

* On average, borrowers can save $31,320 over the life of the loan by refinancing accordingly to findings by Productivity Commission on Mortgages - www.pc.gov.au/inquiries/completed/financial-system/report